Tuesday, July 28, 2015

DIY Clay Monogram

     I’m so excited for this new post series based on everything monogrammed!! And I mean EVERYTHING. I’ve been hooked on monograms ever since I found out what they were. The list of things monogrammed in my house is just to many to read (or even make for that matter) While I don't mind buying or having someone else make a monogram for me, sometimes it’s nice to make one myself or as a gift. It just makes a gift more personal and gives me a sense of accomplishment :) Lately, I’ve gotten back into doing polymer clay and I figured out a way to make your own clay monograms!! Between cursive and circle monograms you can make these for luggage tags, key chains, earrings, necklaces, etc.


  • Polymer clay-colors of your choice (at least two)
  • X-acto knife or blade
  • Monogram (mirror image)
  • Roller (or a marker)
  • Pencil
First, you'll need to print or draw a monogram. Whether it’s a circle or cursive monogram, they both look great!  IMPORTANT: make sure your monogram is a mirror image!! (If it’s not your monogram will come out backwards, not good)
After you've got your monogram (If you printed it you'll want to go over the ink with pencil) choose your color of clay and roll it out to your preferred thickness, make sure there aren't any air bubbles (If you do find an air bubble just take your knife and make a small slit in it, then smooth out the clay) Now take your monogram and press the ink side into the clay, so that the side without ink or lead is facing up. Take a roller (or marker) and roll over the paper to make sure the lead sticks to the clay. Lift the paper and now you should see the outline of your monogram on the clay.
Take your other color of clay and roll it into a "snake" Now take your snake and cover up your lead marks with it, following the outline.
After you've completed outlining your monogram with the clay, go back with your roller and lightly roll over the entire monogram to make sure the two colors of clay have bonded. Bake your masterpiece according the package directions and VIOLA!!
Until next time....

Maggie Jane

Monday, June 1, 2015

Preppy Dressed/Casual

Hey y'all!! I'm back, today with a new fashion post for the first day of June!! So, I've come down to the last week of school (finally,right?) and we have an award ceremony on Thursday. So, being my usual self I needed to have an outfit planned a week in advance (like every other thirteen year-old girl) I needed to look nice, but at the same time not too dressed up because I have to wear this all day long...at school. So I put together what might be my new favorite dressed-up/casual outfit. Take a look!!

Adding some preppy flair to my life one day at a time ;) I started off with my lovely lace shirt with a matching creme undershirt. I then tucked that into a faux jean skirt, and pulled my blouse out a little. To dress up the skirt, I added a matching jean belt and tied it into a bow in the back. To top off my look I added a creme and gold pearl necklace

Shirt- Target    Skirt- Francesca's     Necklace- Lilly Pulitzer     Shoes- Jack Rogers

oops....I noticed I'm not wearing shoes. But I paired this outfit with Platinum Jack Roger sandels

Hope ya'll like this fashion post. Til' next time,
                    Maggie Jane